Sunday, April 25, 2010

Vintage Fashion Show- 7 months old!

Whazzzz up?
girlie girl
Summertime beach babe
Don't know how I managed to fit in this 12 month suit during the summer, it's a little on the snug side for Addie at 7 months
Modeling so some sweeeet sandals of moms
Warning: Flasher on our hands
Is this what they call a sweater zute-suit?? (forgive my spelling that was before my time)
"And now, Addie Karen, modeling the sweetest one piece, ever-so-itchy, stick to my skin sweater pantshirtfootie thing"
What mother couldn't resist dressing up her daughter in her very own beautiful fashionable baby wear from 1979-1980. Well, I whipped it out for Addie's vintage style show, cedar chest smell and all, and she thoroughly hammed it up for this photo session. (it didn't hurt that her brother was attempting to crawl into her exersaucer and made good entertainment for Addie) PS Addie's latest and greatest at 7 months is now rolling from one end of the house to the other, literally. Who needs to crawl? We got super roller.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thank you Sinclair

On our way back from the north shore, Ethan got to enjoy a few minutes sitting and playing with the big dinosaur, thanks to our friends at Sinclair gasoline.

Happy Trails

We enjoyed a picnic lakeside at Temperence River State Park Ethan proud of himself that he ate is sandwich in one piece (usually it's the cheese, then the ham and maybe the bread) Addie taking a pit stop (or catch your breath stop) with mom
backpackin' buds

Thursday, April 15, 2010

6 months old!

Thanks for the "fancy pants" Grandma Linda!
Okay since Addison is almost 7 months old now, I figured I should post some 6 months pics. She has now grown to 27 inches (91%) and 17.13 lbs (85%). She is starting to sprout a few more hair nodules. Her new nickname is spike(ette). She is loving cereal, fruits and veges. Ethan always seems to point out "Addie's messy, mom". She loves sitting in the highchair or if it's occupied as our centerpiece in her bumbo. She is working on sitting up on her own and does fairly well for a short period of time. After that she just likes to plop over. Addison's new favorite is her crazy brother. He makes her belly laugh all the time. It's so fun to watch them play together. Scott asked me the other day if it was normal that the 2 were getting along so well....yeah, my reply was "JUST WAIT!" It won't be long before the tattle taleing and sharing issues arise here. I guess I will just enjoy it now while she is immobile and can't talk. (because that luxury is not gone with terrible 2's Ethan) can you say WHHIINNOO!