Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fun with the Fish 2/19/11

So we broke down and bought a family membership to the Duluth Aquarium...our first official membership anywhere. We needed another place to go with the kids besides being cooped up in our house for winter and spring and the Duluth Aquarium was the answer. Addison loved the giant moose and the "fishies" but Ethan was not so impressed with fish as he was with controlling the underwater camera with a large crane. Just like his dad.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Hearts Day!

Superbowl extravaganza

Addison, Miles, Genevieve, Alana, Henry and Ethan
We headed to West Bend WI, north of Milwaukee, for Superbowl at Shawn and Melissa's this year. The kids enjoyed the Children's museum and playing with a million toys of Alana's. Ethan really likes his new "cape" that he got from Miles for Christmas. I had to lay low as I'm not a packers fan but was in Packers country. Congrats all you crazy packer fans. Thanks for a great weekend!