Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6 months old!

Ethan turned 6 months old on 6/24/08. He his starting to sit (still a bit wobbly though), eat rice cereal, prunes and applesauce, and thoroughly enjoys watching dad play softball. He also has found his toes and enjoys using them as teethers and is rolling over all the time but still finds it tricky to roll from his stomach to his back. He is up to a whopping 20 lb 6 oz and mom and dad sure are feeling it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's finally Summer

Well, it has finally managed to get into the 70's today. Ethan got to sport his shorts. We'll be heading outside soon to plant some flowers.

Canal Park 6/17/08

Ethan had his first feel of grass yesterday. He enjoyed eating it the most.

Happy First Father's Day!

First trip to the Cabin on Big Sand Lake 6/13/08