Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tis the season for tow trucks

Saturday we ventured to the Brule National Forest to cut down our Christmas tree, but before we could find that perfect Charlie Brown, Scott felt the need to make a pit stop in the ditch. After several attempts to pull us out of the ditch by a local hunter, we opted for the tow truck rescue. What could we do but have snow races and throw our kids in the snow banks while we waited? About 30 minutes later we were rescued...and let me tell you Ethan was way more excited about the tow truck than the actual tree. By the time we found our tree, Ethan and Addison were both snoring logs in the back seat, so Scott cut the tree down, slapped in on the jeep and away we went.

Deck the halls

Ethan thought this branch was pretty lonely
Addison decorating the window, only to find her munching on the pieces later.

Scrub a dub, two kids in a tub

Turkey is overrated

Thanksgiving was spent with no travels, no overeating and no leftovers. This year we traded in the almighty bird for pizza instead. I have to say the preparation and clean up was a breeze. The kids thoroughly enjoyed our "Thanksgiving pizza party" topped with raspberry pie for dessert...(for those of you wondering, I would not recommend the pie). We have lots to be thankful for, that's for sure!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We got a walker...

Addison started cruising right before Halloween and hasn't slowed down since. Outlets, book shelves and of course the remote control are her first areas to bee line.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spoon 101

Bitter sweet

My parents officially closed and sold their home of 28 years. It's sad to see the house we grew up in will now be someone elses, but we are excited and hopeful that this change will bring our parents to Northern MN and closer to their grandkids!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Addison practicing her "scary" face
Ethan wasn't too fond of digging out the guts of the pumpkin. They were too "sticky"
Apparently they weren't "too sticky" to taste
Ethan was so proud of this pumpkin, you would have thought he carved it all by himself
Addie is done with photos and is in need of some candy
Bundled up for a walk down the road to wish the horses and cows a Happy Halloween (per E).
The grand finale...checking out the loot

Happy Birthday Scott!

Is it cake time yet?
Anticipation of CHOCOLATE!
Oh how times change, turning 31 you celebrate with stickers on your face, turning 21 he probably had stickers on his a**. Ethan really enjoyed G&G Harms gift wrapping. I'm not sure Scott did though.
My cakes are getting creative, this would probably sell for 18$ in NY City
Bon appetite!
This girl does not worry about watching her figure

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Family life

Bayfield sold out of apples

We decided to avoid the thousands of people at Bayfield Applefest and take a short ride over the weekend after...only to find out they sold out of apples!? Can you believe 20 apple orchards were sold out of apples. So our fun filled day at the orchards turned out to be a play at the park and quick walk on a nature trail. After that we stopped at Super One Grocery store on our way home and picked up a bag of apples.