Sunday, June 28, 2009

A visit with friends

"Ethan, pucker up big boy. I'm coming in for a juicy one", Ashley Ashley 2 and Abby 4.5
Seth, Jenni, Abby and Ashley Ryan came to visit us this weekend. Ethan was having a blast flirting with his girlfriends. Even though the AD (aka, me as the activity director) failed at all activies planned, we managed to have fun with a few laughs (and a few time outs). After driving to Bayfield on Saturday for a day of berry picking only to find out the orchard "was sold out of pick your own berries" we decided to head for the candy store instead and the park. Saturday night the kiddos hit the hay early and the adults proceeded with game night and Seth, Scott and Jenni proceeded to clean out our booze cabinet. The next morning it looked like we had a frat party in our kitchen. With Ashley and Abby being early rising (not much to the liking of there parents), 545 came pretty early and I on the other got to sleep in as Ethan slept in till 830! I must have had the lucky card today. After a few mid morning naps, we decided to venture out for another activity (sad to say, planned by me) to Solon Springs for Voyager Daze. Yeah, let me tell you this is no Kolacky Days folks. We got there and just missed the parade and there were no food stands, games, music, nothing. So we ended up at the park again and then walked down the the big Liebling brothers Circus (about a mile of walking). Circus...sounds like a great activity for 3 little kids right...not so much. We got there and it was a raggedy old circus tent with one old, decrepit, stinky, hairy elephant and 5 sweaty ponies. Abby managed to talk her parents into riding the elephant (for 5$ of course) and after 2 laps in an enclosed pen we got to witness the elephant take a giant wiz and number 2 about 3 feet away from us. I hope the wiz didn't splash up on us. That was the end of the circus. We bolted out of there as fast as a pregnant woman could waddle. So another bum trip and then the Ryan's headed back to Farmington (thankfully, I'm sure, to be returning to civilization).
Quote of the weekend "How are you holding up Big Thunder?" Scott's comment to me as he is assessing my giant belly and downing his 18th rum and coke.

Staying Cool Video

Staying Cool

Happy Father's Day!

Scott spent his day with Ethan and I opening some homemade cards and then heading over to Lake Nebagamon for a dip. Ethan showed him some new tricks with his sand bucket which gave us a good laugh. Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We survived Mosquitoville!

This past weekend we headed to Savanna Portage State Park with my parents, aunt and uncle Liz & Rich, and cousin Holly & Nick. Despite feeling like a piece of fly paper the whole weekend we enjoyed the trails, a dip in the nippy lake and some unusual camp food attempts thanks to my mom. (s*** on a shingle on a toasted hot dog bun...yes, I know you are jealous...Vlasak's I know you are sad you missed that meal). Ethan came home looking like he had the chicken pox thanks to the bug bites but thoroughly enjoyed camping with Grandma and Grandpa in their camper. Scott and I thoroughly enjoyed it as well as we got to sleep in past 6 am.

Miles came to play

2 weeks ago we had our friends the Kroenings make a visit to Poplar. Miles, who just turned 1, and Ethan enjoyed entertaining each other. It was again a cold blustery weekend in Duluth. I've come to the conclusion that Kyle and Robin must think we are lying that on occasion we do get warm weather up here. Somehow everytime they come it feels like winter, even in June and July. Here are a few pics of the boys being boys.

Chalk time

Hey dad, check out my artistry Picasso eat my dust
Does this look like some 80's version of baby jean wear?