Friday, February 19, 2010

Superbowl 2010

Genevieve had to settle with playing trucks Addie and pals (Alana is 10 days younger than Addie) Newest member to the clan Henry Kyle Kroening (12 days old!) Congrats Robin and Kyle The big boys managed to keep entertained
ahhh yes, 6 kids in one photo and we didn't even have to do the chicken dance
Superbowl or kidsbowl...whatever you prefer. We had a house full for Superbowl weekend. Big friends and little friends ventured to our house from Rochester and Milwaukee area. 8 grown ups and 6 babes. (Eman being the oldest if that tells you anything). We had a great time and can't wait for our summer get together!

1 comment:

kyle and robin said...

thanks again for are the hostess with the mostess!