Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Anything to keep them occupied

We broke down and got the kids their very own "home" as Ethan calls it. We thought it would be great for them to stay busy in the yard. Let's just say Ethan has mastered "pumping" but our other little miss drama is far from that and absolutely throws a fit if you take her out of the swing AND/OR stop pushing the swing. We also know what you are all thinking, time to teach ethan how to push addie. yeah that worked for about 30 seconds until addie realized it wasn't mom or dad pushing the swing. We'll keep working on that I guess. Kudos to my handyman husband who assembled this entire thing by his lonesome. What a dad!
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1 comment:

Matt and Sarah said...

well, that's what you have that huge yard for, right?! we've already decided our tax return next year will be dedicated to a play set. how glamorous.