I held the first annual Scrap your crap weekend at our house. My aunt Mary, mom and my friend Robin all came to the scrap-a-thon. Addie was a hit and enjoyed being held, photographed and sung to. My mom enjoyed multiple wardrobe changes and I enjoyed the restful sleep. Yes, you read that right...restful sleep. Under the careful watch of the night owl aunt Mary, Addison had her first sleep through the night. She conked out at 8 and didn't get up until 530 (in which she was woken up because Mary was paranoid something was wrong) and to top it off, she slept the next night from 1030 until 630. Yeah, that has now all passed and she is back to her sporadic awakenings. It was good while it lasted!
It was a great scrap.Lots of fabulous food,drinks prizes and fun.Hope we'll be invited back. I confess I crapped out one night by Midnight ,but Childless and the little mother to be kept going.they were die hards.Hey Anna where is your photo shot??
Excellent work ladies. Anna good thing you have all that carpeted basement space to spread out your scrapping goodness. I bet Melissa is jealous.
What a wonderful family. It is fun to see the pictures but hard to believe they grow up so fast.
Pam Kreager (found you courtesy of Chad & Kim's blog).
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