Sunday, November 23, 2008

11 months old

Ethan will turn 11 months old tomorrow. He is busy crawling all over the place, opening cupboards and constantly standing up on the furniture (or my legs for that matter). He has learned to clap his hands on his own, play "so-big", climb stairs and say da-da. However, he has no idea what da-da means yet. We are excited to say we only have one more month of formula buying!! How do you like the shirt from Auntie Lizzie...fits him to the T. "Big Guy, Big Eater"!


kyle and robin said...

you guys he looks like such a big boy gazing out the window! can't wait to see you all soon...give ethan a smoochie from us :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he is already 11 months Old Happy Birthday! Can't wait to see him with his 1st Birthday Cake!

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you what happens to my pampers when I get to eat canned food. So you won't be surprised wear a nose plug.